Snarky Beer Wisdom

In a store like mine that does pretty significant volume you are going to see some pretty strange behaviors by customers in the process of buying their beer, wine, and spirits. One of my pet peeves (of which I honestly have too many) is customers who would rather not ask a member of staff but would rather search around the interior of the beer cooler (or even the back of the store) looking for their product.

I also often get asked; will this beer go bad if I let it get warm? I tell people that unless they are going to get the beer very hot they won't change the flavor of the beer. Light is a bigger source of off flavors than heat you would find comfortable.

This blog post has given me an idea I can't do too many of these, since I am sure to offend a customer eventfully, and no amount of youtube fun is worth that drama. Post your opinion should I do wine and spirit strangeness or should I private these videos and only link to them here to spare the sensibilities of my customers.

Comment your opinion I would love to talk to you about it.


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