Valpolicella In about 50 seconds!

This is my very quick video that gives a rundown of the major styles of Valpolicella wine: Amarone, Ripasso, and plain Valpolicella. It is nice to get back into recording YouTube videos and I am going to try and get at least another couple up this week and hopefully make accompaning blog posts like this one for each of those videos.

I really like Valpolicella as a versatile red wine from Italy with a fuller less acidic wine than Chianti these wines do very well with rich tomato based food and also can stand up to steaks and other wines that you want a rich food bodied wine to go along with. Tart cherries dominate in the nose and palette, they are all full bodied wines but the Amarone can be described very easily as giant. The appasimento process that Amarone uses to dry the grapes before vinification results in a wine with a coating mouth-feel and high alcohol.

The style is still evolving and examples from the 60s 70s will be different then bottles from the 80s and 90s and those will be different from modern bottles. This is an interesting wine that is worth checking out.


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