
Showing posts from January, 2019

New Year!

So yeah I can jog now, I managed a couple of 10 minute miles right out of the gate, and I proved that I can get at least a mile and a half down the road in fifteen minutes if I have to, would like to be able to turn in a sub thirty minute 5k soon, of course in order to do this I am going to have to go out there and get a couple of jogging and walking 5ks in. Today I managed thirty minutes of walking and jogging averaging a heart rate of around 160 bpm which is sort of between tempo and threshold for me assuming my max bpm is around 180. Last year around this time I was harboring delusions of doing a 100k walk/jog on the C&O canal towpath in april. Which is one of the oldest 100 kilometer foot races in america. Anyway that isn't gunna happen. I am fine with this maybe someday. Lots of attainable athletic goals for this year.