Ulcerative Colitis

I suffer from a chronic autoimmune disorder called Ulcerative Colitis it causes inflammation of the lower intestines. Stress is likely the biggest trigger that I have but I need to keep a detailed food diary to try and track my symptoms moving forward and hopefully find out what sort of food triggers the condition so that I can avoid this outcome.

I lost nearly thirty pounds this flare up which is a considerable amount of weight. Only another 30 pounds to go till I am no longer "overweight" by BMI...

The goal is to not end up in the hospital, the plan to do that next time I have a flare up is to immediately contact my GI doctor when the symptoms start and engage all of my medical professionals the moment I have something like this happen. I waited nearly 2 weeks trying to fix it myself before I contacted the GI doctors after I tried to check into the hospital. Then I had a four day wait for an appointment with my GI doctors and then another week before I had my Flex Sigmoidoscopy (a baby colonoscopy) and the doctor realized that I need to be admitted for my inflammation.

Another strange thing that I heard this time was that I "looked to good" to be really ill, I was showering twice a day and trying to stay as clean and presentable as possible; I wonder if that kept me out of the Hospital. I am not going to try to look rougher to get admitted sooner but I am going to protest when I hear "but you look good" from a doctor. Dinner should be here soon, I got moved to a low residue diet which is a last step before they release you back into the wild.


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